Hi, Ralph here and my goal is to help anyone that is really serious about changing their Health and Fitness lifestyle with great health and fitness articles. I know for some it will be hard to start but as they say, “no pain-no gain.” I too struggled for years trying to stay healthier myself. And even now, it is hard because I love those sweets.

After I retired from the United State Navy, it really got hard to really keep in shape. So, I decided a few years ago to put in some efforts and start working on me. I started out a couple of days a week walking, now up to 4 days, eating a little better by trying to eat healthy during the week and light during the week and pig out one day on the weekend. I have added a lightweight training (2 to 3 times a week) on specific parts of my body (such as Legs, Arms, Chest, etc.) Now that I have been consistent for a few years, it has really benefited me a lot. I want to help other live their best physical lives also.

My articles will be on anything that will help improve your daily overall health. So, that every day you can live your best life. As I am starting to get older, my health is starting to play a more important role in my life. So, a portion of my concentration on Health and Fitness will be geared toward Seniors and their Health Needs.


Now, I have written my first book called “Are You Ready for a New Life.” Showing things concerning: Health, Finance, Personal and Spiritual Development, I have a website that covers those topics at: growingmature.com. These fundamentals should have been taught to you while growing up but still useful to anyone today. My other website is on Online Business Tips at ralphmorgandot.com. For beginners and seasons Entrepreneur’s with great business tip for success.

My second book is almost finished on Marriage that will be coming out this year, Lord willing.

But my most important GOAL to help others is by sharing my Faith with them. Jesus Christ has been the center of my life since 1980 when I was down. He lifted me and gave me a true purpose for living. And that is to serve Him every day of my life. Our goals should be everlasting, not temporal.